Ports - Zimbra :: Tech Center
MySQL :: MySQL Port Reference :: 3 MySQL Port Reference Tables Client - Server Connection Ports. Port 3306 is the default port for the MySQL Protocol (port), which is used by the mysql client, MySQL Connectors, and utilities such as mysqldump and mysqlpump.The port for X Protocol (mysqlx_port), supported by clients such as MySQL Shell, MySQL Connectors and MySQL Router, is calculated by multiplying the port used for MySQL Protocol by 10. Chapter 4. Using HTTPS The default value is changeit. keystoreType: The type of keystore file to be used for the server certificate. If not specified, the default value is JKS. protocol: The version of the SSL protocol to use. If not specified, the default is TLS. RDS Default Port - RDS best practice If the command output returns the default port number for the database engine used (i.e. port 3306 for MySQL/Aurora/MariaDB, port 1433 for SQL Server, port 5432 for PostgreSQL, port 1521 for Oracle), the selected RDS instance is not running on a non-default port, therefore is … Binding to Addresses and Ports - Apache HTTP Server
Ports - Zimbra :: Tech Center
Liberty: Default port numbers Jul 08, 2020 Default MongoDB Port — MongoDB Manual
Jun 10, 2015
Default Ports of WSO2 Products - Carbon 4.1.0 - WSO2 Nov 21, 2013 Liberty: Default port numbers